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A collection of artworks was presented
on February 9, 2023 in Ygallery, Hamraborg, Kópavogur
as a part of the Opening Ceremony of Hugarflug 2023.
The speculative, Metaverse-inspired project invites to imagine the future and Hamraborg as a welcoming, virtual reality.
"Hamraborg Dreammachine" is a collaborative project between Brokat Films
and Hamraborg Festival.
It is a part of a larger, digital project that we are currently developing
Titles of art works:
1. Hamraborg Metaverse:
the map
2. Catalina 2043
3. Hamraborg UtopiaMythohorse01voc 20221115_2254_
4. Gegnumstreymi_nft
(Gerður Helgadóttir_remix)
5. Neo myths mega avatars: harpyja3000
6. Neo myths mega avatars: superh0rse

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